Getxophoto's Open Call offers the opportunity for visual artists and photographers from all over the world to exhibit their works at the next edition of the Festival, in June 2022. "To Imagine" will be the theme of the 16th edition.
10 January 2022
10:59 PM

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.

About Open Call

Although it may seem impossible, imagining other scenarios is essential in times of crisis. The 16th edition of Getxophoto aims to explore the role that imagination plays in giving meaning to life, and the possibilities that images offer to do so.

How does the imagination operate in interpreting the past, present, and future, and in what other ways could it work? What is the role that visual narratives play in this work? What other types of images and imaginations can be developed to diversify and display alternative ways of understanding reality?

Images play a fundamental role in understanding the world. Photography has been decisive in deciding what deserves to be seen and remembered, and what is to be ignored or hidden. At the same time, fiction is one of the traditional acts and effects of the visual, allowing a glimpse beyond what exists. In recent years, technological development has allowed images to not only represent, but also present, communicate and compose information in real time. Imagination uses the functions of the image to describe the fantastic, recover the absent, overcome uncertainty and relocate what remains on the margins.

Getxophoto invites artists from all over the world to participate in this call by submitting proposals that explore the imagination, using photography, video, installation, performance, actions, digital art or any other means of visual expression.

All the information must be uploaded in English. The entrance fee is 20€ per project.

This call is carried out in collaboration with Picter platform.

What winners receive

3 artists (if the jury finds it convenient, the number of winners may be increased) will benefit from:

  • The production of an exhibition at Getxophoto Festival alongside recognized contemporary visual artists
  • Fee of 400€ as participant of Getxophoto Festival
  • Accomodation for 2 nights during the Opening Week
  • Inclusion in the Festival’s programme and publication
  • Inclusion in the Festival’s communication campaign
  • Dedicated entry on the Festival website

About Getxophoto

Getxophoto International Image Festival has been held in Getxo (Basque Country, Spain) for 15 years. The Festival brings to the city different proposals from visual artists from all over the world, establishing a contemporary conversation on the proposed theme each year. The Festival is conceived as a platform from which contemporary challenges are addressed with the aim of creating spaces for reflection and establishing a collective conversation.

Getxophoto is characterized by the radical defence of public space (physical and online) as a meeting place, a place of mutual recognition and a field for experimentation, play and celebration in the face of its homogenization and privatization. For this reason, most of its programme is made up of open-air installations, highlighting, on the one hand, the link between the image and the environment and, on the other, generating a more horizontal and participatory relationship with the public.

From its transversal approach, Getxophoto has been expanding through the promotion of the Internet as a space for the development of visual culture. For this reason, it carries out a specific online programme that includes different approaches: virtual reality, podcasts, apps, memes, 3D models, WhastApp groups or live broadcasts, among other digital proposals.

The Festival will celebrate its 16th edition in June 2022 and has featured critically acclaimed artists such as Alessandra Sanguinetti; Martin Kollar; Penelope Umbrico; Martin Parr; Martin Schoeller; Nadav Kander; Naomi Harris; Phil Toledano; Juno Calypso; Marcos López; Ricardo Cases; Joy Buolamwini; Wang Qingsong; Roger Ballen; Cristina De Middel; Thomas Mailaender; Mishka Henner; Pieter Hugo; Maija Tami; Jacques-Henri Lartigue; Paul Fusco; Simon Norfolk; Zanele Muholi; Yann Gross; Mentalgassi; Ilyes Griyeb; Randa Maroufi, Michael Wolf or Leonard Suryajaya, among many others. For more information, visit


Call for entries open
22 November 2021
Submission deadline
10 January 2022
Shortlist announcement
4 February 2022
Winner announcement
7 February 2022



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    Biography with up to 1500 characters

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    1 to 3 projects per submission

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    At least 1500px on the long edge


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Juror information

Jon Uriarte
Artist, Digital curator at Photographers’ Gallery (UK)
He studied Photography in Barcelona and ICP New York and holds a master in Projects and Artistic Theories by PhotoEspaña and the European University of Madrid. His work has been exhibited in collective and individual exhibitions at different galleries and art centers in Madrid, San Sebastian, New York, Berlin or Barcelona. Founder of the independent platform Widephoto and former coordinator of DONE by Foto Colectania, he is currently the digital curator of The Photographers’ Gallery in London.

Marina Paulenka
Independent curator, educator & art consultant (Croatia)
She has been the artistic director of UNSEEN and previously worked as curator and artistic director of the Organ Vida International Photography Festival. She has curated numerous exhibitions and worked with artists such as Zanele Muholi, Hannah Starkey, Roger Ballen, Pieter Hugo or Laia Abril, among others. She is an international juror and portfolio reviewer for numerous institutions, awards and festivals around the world, such as Les Rencontres d'Arles, Hamburg Triennale, Parallel Photo Platform or Format Festival.

Thyago Nogueira
Head of Photography at Instituto Moreira Salles (Brazil)
Curator, editor and photographer, he is also chief editor of ZUM photography magazine. He organized exhibitions and catalogues such as Claudia Andujar, The Yanomami Struggle (2020), William Eggleston: American Color (2015), Body Against Body (2017) or Rosângela Rennó: Utopic Rio (2017). He has guest edited Aperture magazine dedicated to São Paulo photography (2014), co-curated the Offside project with Magnum during Brazil’s World Cup, and chaired Hasselblad Award 2019. He is currently working on a large retrospective of Daido Moriyama's work.

Damarice Amao
Photo-historian and curator at Centre Pompidou (France)
Damarice Amao is an art and photography historian and assistant curator in the Photography department at the Musée National d’Art Modern, Centre Pompidou. She was co-curator of the exhibitions and co-author of the catalogues Eli Lotar (Jeu de Paume, 2017), Photographie, arme de classe / Photography: Class Weapon (Centre Pompidou, 2018) and Dora Maar (Centre Pompidou/Getty/Tate, 2019), among others.


Do I have to be a qualified visual artist to participate?
No, you don't have to be qualified in order to participate. Getxophoto Open Call is open to all emerging and established visual artists worldwide. We encourage applications from all individuals and/or collectives who meet the criteria.

Is there a theme for the Getxophoto Open Call?
Yes, submissions must correspond to the theme of this year's festival, To Imagine. We are looking for works that challenge our thinking and question established ideas about the theme in question.

When is the deadline?
The deadline is January 10, 2022, 11:59 pm, UTC +1, Spanish time CET.

How much does it cost?
€20 per project.

How many projects can I submit?
You can submit a maximum of 3 projects.

What are the age requirements?
All participants must be at least 18 years old at the time of submission.

Can I send my submission by email?
We do not accept entries by email. Please register on and upload your entries online through this site.

Can I submit video stills or installation shots with my submission?
Yes, you can submit video stills or installation footage as part of the proposal. Make sure to explain this in the project description. It is not possible to upload the video file, but you can provide a link in the description itself.

My work has been awarded in other competitions. Can I still submit them?
Yes. There is no restriction to submitting work that has been part of other photo competitions or prior exhibitions.

Can I enter as a duo or collective?
Yes, duos and collectives are more than welcome.

Can I submit using an artist name?
Yes, but you must include your real name on the application form as well.

Will my images be sold?
No. You retain copyright to your work and your images will not be sold or used for commercial purposes.

If I win, will I have to send in high-resolution files of my work?
Yes. Once the jury has made its final selection, we will contact you to request high-resolution files to produce the exhibition.

Who will decide which works are selected?
A group of internationally renowned jurors from around the world will select the winning entries.

When will I know if I have been selected?
The shortlist will be announced on the Festival's website and social media on 28 January 2022. The winners will be announced via the same channels on 31 January 2022. If you have not been notified that your work has been selected by 28 January 2022, it is understood that your application has not been chosen.

If my work is not selected, will I receive feedback about it?
Due to the high number of submissions to the Open Call, it is impossible for the jury to provide personalized comments to the participants.

Got a question not covered by this FAQ?
Get in touch with a member of our team via email (, and we'll be more than happy to answer your questions!

10 January 2022
10:59 PM

By clicking "Start Submission", you agree to be contacted by the host regarding this opportunity.